Thursday, February 13, 2014

Model Study Magazines from the 1920's

Smut for artists!

Because of the massive interest in this smut blog, I've decided to post some more stuff from my collection.
No, seriously... It might say on the "google friend connect" thing that no one is following this blog, but I happen to KNOW there are three whole people following it... "Privately".... AND... I know who you are, because I can SEE your email when I log in.
Don't worry, I wont blow your cover.... Even though I know all three of you personally.... And you all know each-other too... But I think you all live in different states...(clues!)

But really?.... You're following it privately? Is this stuff SO obscene? Fuh' chrissake fellas, it's not like it's Max Hardcore or somethin', this stuff is classy n' shit!

Anyways, a while back I won a bid on a stack of loose pages from a handful of model study magazines from the 1920's. Some of them were in pretty rough shape, but here they are. Really cool stuff! Submitted for your artistic endeavors.
Click on the images to enlarge em'.

1 comment:

  1. Hey pal, Thanks, some really fine material here. I've been meaning to catch up on my painting. I trust this will help...
